+ Fairouz Farah Sarkis

President of the Institute for Educational Development 2020 to present.

Holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics Education. From 2001 to 2019 she was the Rector of the Arab Open University in Lebanon, which is a regional university using a blended system of learning. From 1998 to 2001 she was a member of the” Working Group” to establish the university. She was the National Contact Point for the European Commission Framework Programs for 7 years. Evaluator of several research proposals funded by the EU Framework Programs such as EUMEDIS, INCO, and ERAMED. Member of the Euro-Med Cooperation Monitoring Committee for Research and Development for 4 years representing the Lebanese Government. While at the Lebanese University for 17 years, she was the General Secretary of the Scientific Council of the university for 6 years,and the director of The Office Of External Projects. She coordinated several projects of the Lebanese University funded by the UNDP, UNESCO, Arab Fund, and the World Bank, which included the automation of the university, staff training, and curricula development. The team leader of the Syrian TEVT project funded by the EU. Coordinator of the Scientific Schools project for Qatar Ministry of Education for two years which included developing course material and teacher training. Coordinated over 50 training workshops for school teachers. Author of a series of mathematics school textbooks used by tens of schools in Lebanon and other Arab countries. Published books’ chapters and many research articles.


+ Paul Sayah

Holds a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology. Emeritus professor of the Lebanese American University. Previously Associate Dean in the faculty of Arts and Sciences of the Lebanese American University and Dean of Students Services at LAU Louize Campus. At the training level, he carried several training workshops in guidance and counseling such as training of counselors of the Teacher Training Colleges in the Ministry of Education Lebanon, Youth Training programs in Lebanon, and abroad. Religious community training workshops on Counseling and Conflict Resolution. For 10 years he was a consultant for the Council of Interreligious Dialogue in the Vatican. The principal of the Saint Joseph School in Cornet Chahwan Lebanon for 9 years.

+ Patrick Crehan

Holds a Ph.D. in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. After a post-Doc career in Europe and Japan, he joined the European Commission and Managed an international research program in ICT within the Inco-ICT program funded by the EU. The program aimed at collaboration between EU countries and other regions of the world including the MENA region. Later on, he founded CKA, a managing consulting company specialized in management research and innovation. CKA works with governments, multinational corporations, SMEs, and individual entrepreneurs. In the area of education and training Patrick has worked with the European Training Foundation in Turin, to help the governments of EU accession countries put in place the reforms needed to join the European Union. In this context, he has worked on the development of national skills’ strategies, action plans, and roadmaps for Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Turkey, and Ukraine He worked also on quality management of higher education for Algeria . Elsewhere he has worked on labor market issues and market needs. He is a full member of the EU Chapter of the Club of Rome

+Saouma Bou-Jaoude

Holds a Doctorate of Education in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on science education and teacher training. To date, he is the Chair of the Council of Associate Deans of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the American University of Beirut and Director of the Center For Teaching and Learning. He has been with AUB since 1993 where he held many positions such as Chairperson, Department of Education, and director of the Science and Mathematics Education Centre. For 8 years he was a consultant for Dhofar University Sultanate of Oman. He also was a consultant or coordinator on several projects funded by the USAID, such as DRASTI for the Lebanese Ministry of Education, New School Project in Egypt. Curriculum design Specialist, EDSP Project, Republic of Yemen. Early in his career, he was an Assistant Principal, St. Joseph School, Cornet Chahwan. Received several awards and prizes for his contributions to education development in the Arab world, such as Takreem Arab Achievement Awards, March 2010. Abdul Hamid Al Hallab REP Service excellence Award, January 2012. Kuwait Prize for contributions to education in the Arab World 2017.

+ Zoubeida Dagher

Holds a Ph.D. in Science Education. To date, she is a Professor in the School of Education of Delaware University, USA. Faculty Fellow, Centre for Science, Ethics, and Public Policy. The 30 years of her work at Delaware University was full of research publications and teaching activities, she published books’ chapters and tens of refereed journal articles. She also worked as a Consultant on several projects such as a member of the Teacher Education Undergraduate Program Review Team, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA, member of the National Science Foundation ( NSF) Review Panel, Team Leader, Program Review for the Department of Education, Lebanese American University, Lebanon, short term consultant, World Bank Group, Kuwait Project, team leader, Quality Assurance Review for the School of Education, the University of the West Indies at Cave Hill, Barbados. She received several research and study grants from the National Science Foundation ( NSF), and NARST in addition to Delaware University. Zoubeida received several honors and awards for her work in education such as Fellow, INSPIRE CS-AI Project, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science. Member, NSF Review Panel.